Close-Up of Graduates in Front of Doors to McNally Building, 2001

Show simple item record 2010-11-26T17:03:29Z 2010-11-26T17:03:29Z 2001 2001
dc.identifier.other 06.04.0359
dc.description color photograph
dc.description Excellent condition.
dc.description Close-up of four graduates standing in front of the main doors to the McNally Building. They all wear graduation gowns and hoods. The graduates are (left to right): unidentified; Ivan Hemeon, B.Sc., Honours Biology/Chemistry.
dc.description From External Affairs.
dc.description.provenance Made available in DSpace on 2010-11-26T17:03:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 en
dc.format.extent 10 cm x 15 cm
dc.subject.other People
dc.subject.other Graduates
dc.subject.other Students
dc.subject.other Graduation
dc.subject.other McNally Building
dc.subject.other Convocation
dc.title Close-Up of Graduates in Front of Doors to McNally Building, 2001
dc.type Image
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