b&w photograph
Very good condition with some dirt and paper taped to reverse side.
Photo of the launching of the library's connection to the University of Toronto's UTLAS ILS (U of T's Library Automation Systems). Library cataloguers will be able to look up millions of full catalogue records to expedite cataloguing of the Patrick Power Library's own new acquisitions. Pictured (l to r) are Ronald Lewis (University Librarian), Rashid Tayyeb (Head of Technical Services), Dr. Ken Ozmon (SMU President 1979-2000) and Cyndi Murphy, who will coordinate the implementation of UTLAS in Technical Services.
On label stuck to back is 'Please Return To: Information & Public Relations, Saint Mary's University, Halifax, N.S., B3H3C3.' Written on piece of paper taped to back is 'The first library in Nova Scotia to be part of the University of Toronto Library Automation Service [sic] (UTLAS) is the Patrick Power Library at Saint Mary's University. UTLAS, a Canada-wide computerized system, facilitates the cataloguing of books by allowing member libraries to make immediate use of catalogue information already in the computer, a store of more than 10 million records. For users of the Patrick Power Library it means that new books will be made available more quickly. It also means that a number of new, compact, and technologically-advanced catalogues will soon supplement the one main card catalogue for users. Photographed at the opening of the Saint Mary's UTLAS service are Ronald Lewis, Head Librarian; Rashid Tayyeb, Head of Technical Services; Dr. Ken Ozmon, President of Saint Mary's; and Cyndi Murphy, who will coordinate UTLAS in the Library'. Written in marker is '(1981)' and in pen '(Solverson)'.