Capital Campaign Team, ca. 1986

Show simple item record 2010-11-26T17:03:01Z 2010-11-26T17:03:01Z [ca. 1986] 1986
dc.identifier.other 05.04.0170
dc.description b&w photograph
dc.description Very good condition with some red and orange markings on photo
dc.description Left to right: J.A. Gordon Bell (National Corporate Chairman of the Saint Mary's University Capital Campaign), Dr. Ken Ozmon (SMU President 1979-2000), John Dickey ("Dick," Arts class of 1936, Political Science prof in 1962), Ron Downie (Arts class of 1948, Commercial Law prof 1958-1959), and Bill Mingo (the latter three co-Chairmen of Capital Campaign).
dc.description On the back is written on a sticky note: 'Bell Ozmon Dickie Downie Mingo What? When?'.
dc.description.provenance Made available in DSpace on 2010-11-26T17:03:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 en
dc.format.extent 13 cm x 18 cm
dc.subject.other People
dc.subject.other Capital Campaign
dc.subject.other Bell, John Alexander Gordon
dc.subject.other Ozmon, Kenneth L., 1931-
dc.subject.other Dickey, John Horace, 1917-
dc.subject.other Downie, Ronald Joseph
dc.subject.other Mingo, J. William E., 1926-2005
dc.subject.other President
dc.subject.other Fundraising
dc.title Capital Campaign Team, ca. 1986
dc.type Image
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