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Saint Mary's Faculty Articles and Other Works: Recent submissions

  • Awalt, Jon Kyle; Scammels, Peter J.; Singer, Robert D. (American Chemical Society, 2018-08)
    A mechanochemical approach has been demonstrated for the selective cleavage of nitrogen–carbon bonds in the N-demethylation of various alkaloids relevant in the pharmaceutical industry. This methodology ...

  • Digdon, Leslie (Baker) (Department of History at the University of New Brunswick, 2018-06)
    In April 2018, actor Rob Lowe appeared on the American talk show Jimmy Kimmel Live to promote his most recent movie. In the segment he adlibbed about the Halifax Explosion and explained that he had convinced the movie's ...

  • Minniti, Dante; Dékány, Istvan; Majaess, Daniel J.; Palma, Tali; Pullen, Joyce; Rejkuba, Marina; Alonso-García, Javier; Catelan, Marcio; Contreras Ramos, Rodrigo; Gonzales, Oscar A. (The American Astronomical Society, 2017-04)
    Deep near-IR images from the VISTA Variables in the Vía Láctea (VVV) Survey were used to search for RR Lyrae stars in the Southern Galactic plane. A sizable sample of 404 RR Lyrae of type ab stars was identified across a ...

  • Ibata, Rodrigo A.; McConnachie, Alan; Cuillandre, Jean-Charles; Fantin, Nicholas; Haywood, Misha; Martin, Nicholas F.; Bergeron, Pierre; Beckmann, Volker; Bernard, Edouard; Sawicki, Marcin (The American Astronomical Society, 2017-03)
    We present the chemical distribution of the Milky Way, based on 2900 of u-band photometry taken as part of the Canada-France Imaging Survey. When complete, this survey will cover 10,000 of the northern sky. By combing the ...

  • Carraro, Giovanni; Turner, David G.; Majaess, Daniel J.; Baume, Gustavo L.; Gamen, Roberto; Lera, José A. Molina (The American Astronomical Society, 2017-04)

    Photometric CCD UB VIC photometry obtained for 4860 stars surrounding the embedded southern cluster SAI 113 (Skiff 8) is used to examine the reddening in the field and derive the distance to the ...

  • Minniti, Dante; Palma, Tali; Dékány, Istvan; Hempel, Marin; Rekjuba, Marina; Pullen, Joyce; Alonso-García, Javier; Barbá, Rodolfo; Barbuy, Beatriz; Majaess, Daniel J. (The American Astronomical Society, 2017-03-20)

    We use deep multi-epoch near-IR images of the VISTA Variables in the Vía Láctea (VVV) Survey to search for RR Lyrae stars toward the Southern Galactic plane. Here, we report the discovery of a group of RR ...

  • Akamatsu, H.; Akimoto, F.; Allen, S.W.; Chaio, M.P.; Coppi, P.; Constantini, E.; Herder, J.W.; Enoto, T.; Gallo, Luigi C.; Wilkins, D.R. (The American Astronomical Society, 2017-03-03)

    High-resolution X-ray spectroscopy with Hitomi was expected to resolve the origin of the faint unidentified E ≈ 3.5 keV emission line reported in several low-resolution studies of various massive ...

  • Strandet, M.L.; Weiss, A.; De Breuk, C.; Marrone, D.P.; Veira, J.D.; Aravena, M.; Ashby, M.L.N.; Béthermin, M.; Bothwell, M.S.; Cunningham, Daniel J. M. (The American Astronomical Society, IOP, 2017-06-20)
    We report the discovery and constrain the physical conditions of the interstellar medium of the highest-redshift millimeter-selected dusty star-forming galaxy to date, SPT-S J031132−5823.4 (hereafter SPT0311−58), ...

  • Kipping, David M.; Cameron, Chris; Hartman, Joel D.; Davenport, James R.A.; Matthews, Jaymie M.; Sasselov, Dimitar; Rowe, Jason; Siverd, Robert J.; Chen, Jingjing; Guenther, David B. (The American Astronomical Society, 2017-03)

    The analysis of Proxima Centauri's radial velocities recently led Anglada-Escudé et al. to claim the presence of a low-mass planet orbiting the Sun's nearest star once every 11.2 days. Although the a priori ...

  • Ramsey, Jon P.; Clarke, David C.; Men'Shchikov, Alexander B. (Cornell University Library,, 2012-03)
    A new adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) version of the ZEUS-3D astrophysical magnetohydrodynamical (MHD) fluid code, AZEuS, is described. The AMR module in AZEuS has been completely adapted to the staggered mesh that characterises ...

  • Broders, Hugh G.; Coombs, Andrea B.; McCarron, J.R, (Thunder Bay Ont.: North American Moose Conference and Workshop, 1981-, 2012-06-22)
    The size of the mainland Nova Scotia moose (Alces alces) population has declined pre-cipitously over the last several decades and their current distribution is discontinuous. In recognition of the state of its moose ...

  • Majaess, Daniel J. (Copernicus Foundation for Polish Astronomy, 2010-01-20)

    The distance to the Galactic center inferred from OGLE RR Lyrae variables observed in the direction of the bulge is R0 = 8.1 ± 0.6 kpc. An accurate determination ofR0 is ...

  • Vessey, Joseph Kevin (Elsevier B.V, 2010-07-31)

    Recent concerns over rising oil prices and greenhouse gas emissions have sparked an interest for the production of first generation biofuels on marginal agricultural land in Eastern Canada. Field trials were ...

  • Young, Mitchell E.; Short, Ian C. (The American Astronomical Society, 2017-02-01)

    We present an investigation of the globular cluster population synthesis method of McWilliam & Bernstein, focusing on the impact of non-LTE (NLTE) modeling effects and color-magnitude diagram (CMD) discretization. ...

  • Ramsey, Jon P.; Clarke, David A. (The American Astronomical Society, 2011-02-10)
    We present the first 2.5-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations of protostellar jets that include both the region in which the jet is launched magnetocentrifugally at scale lengths <0.1 AU and where the ...

  • DeBay, Drew R.; Reid, George A.; Pottie, Ian R.; Martin, Earl; Bowen, Chris V.; Darvesh, Sultan (Wiley Online Library Journals Frontfile Complete, 2017-06)
    Abstract Introduction Diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease (AD) in vivo , by molecular imaging of amyloid or tau, is constrained because similar changes can be found in brains of cognitively normal individuals. Butyrylcholinesterase ...

  • Ibata, Rodrigo; McConnachie, Alan; Cuillandre, Jean-Charles; Fantin, Nicholas; Haywood, Misha; Caffau, Elisabetta; Carlberg, Raymond; Côté, Patrick; Cabanac, Rémi; Sawicki, Marcin, 1969- (The American Astronomical Society, 2017-10-20)

    The Canada-France Imaging Survey (CFIS) will map the northern high Galactic latitude sky in the u-band ("CFIS-u," 10,000 deg2) and in the r-band ("CFIS-r," 5000 deg2), ...

  • Majaess, Daniel J. (Copernicus Foundation for Polish Astronomy (Poland), 2010-06-30)

    A VI Wesenheit and period-colour analysis based on new OGLE observations reaffirms Ferrarese et al. discovery of 5 Type II Cepheids in NGC 5128. The distance to that comparatively unreddened population ...

  • Pipien, S.; Basa, S.; Cuby, J.G.; Cuillandre, J.C.; Willott, C.; Moutard, Thibaud; Chatron, J.; Arnouts, S.; Hudelot, P. (EDP Sciences, 2018-08)
    Context. The Canada–France–Hawaii Telescope Legacy Survey (CFHTLS) has been conducted over a 5-yr period at the CFHT with the MegaCam instrument, totaling 450 nights of observations. The Wide Synoptic Survey is one component ...

  • Minniti, D.; Saito, R.K.; Forster, F.; Pignata, G.; Ivanov, V.D.; Lucas, P.W.; Beamin, J.C.; Borissova, J.; Catelan, M.; Majaess, Daniel J. (IOP Publishing, 2017-11-10)

    We report the discovery of an enigmatic large-amplitude (ΔKs > 10.5 mag) transient event in near-IR data obtained by the VISTA Variables in the Via Lactea (VVV) ESO Public Survey. The object ...

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