Davis Archaeological Consultants Limited; MacIntyre, April; Davis, Stephen A.
In November 2006, Davis Archaeological Consultants Limited was contracted by CBCL Limited Consulting Engineers, on behalf of the Nova Scotia Department of Transportation and Public Works, to conduct an archaeological resource impact assessment of the Citadel High School Steam Line Installation project in metropolitan Halifax. The purpose of the assessment was to determine the potential for archaeological resources within the development zone and to provide recommendations for further
mitigation if necessary. The assessment included archaeological monitoring of mechanical excavation of a trench and associated catch basins between the High School property on Bell Road and the QEII Hospital on Summer Street. The assessment was conducted between 04 December 2006 and 18 June 2007.
The assessment was conducted under Category C Heritage Research Permits A2006NS79 and A2007NS04 (Appendix A) issued by the Nova Scotia Heritage Division.