Davis Archaeological Consultants Limited; MacIntyre, April; Davis, Stephen A.
In October 2004, Davis Archaeological Consultants Limited conducted an archaeological resource impact assessment of the Jefferson Property in Fall River under contract to Halifax Regional Municipality and in accordance with Heritage Research Permit A2004NS82 (Appendix A). The property is the proposed site for a community recreational facility to be constructed in 2005. The purpose of the assessment was to locate potential heritage resources within the study area, assess the archaeological significance of any such resources, and provide recommendations for mitigation if necessary. A field survey was conducted by three qualified archaeologists over three days between 20 and 22 October 2004 and was preceded by a historical background study. This report is a summary of the history of the study area, the activities carried out by the archaeologists during the assessment, the heritage resources encountered and their historical significance, as well as recommendations for their mitigation prior to and during construction.