Africville File 3 (News Clippings 1991)

Africville File 3 (News Clippings 1991)


Recent Submissions

  • Saunders, Charles (Halifax, NS : The Daily News, 1991)
    The article discusses the latest progress in attempts to construct and reroute an industrial access road near Seaview Park. A recent complication has arisen involving land ownership issues with Canadian National, which has ...

  • Kimber, Stephen (Halifax, NS : The Daily News, 1991-12-18)
    This article delineates symbolic impacts from the Nova Scotia government's December 16, 1991, announcement to reroute a truck access road and build a replica of Seaview Baptist Church on various communities in Halifax and beyond

  • Spears, John (Toronto, ON : The Toronto Star, 1991-12-17)
    This article covers the Nova Scotia government's announcement on December 16, 1991, by Industry Minister Tom McInnis to reroute the proposed access road near Seaview Park and fund the reconstruction of 'the Baptist church ...

  • Lightstone, Michael (Halifax, NS : The Daily News, 1991-10-04)
    This article provides an October 1991 update on the joint review of the truck access road announced in June 1991 by the Nova Scotia government and the Halifax Port Corporation. It offers both historical and contemporary ...

  • Hussey, Tiffany (Halifax, NS : The Daily News, 1991-12-17)
    This article reports on the Nova Scotia government's announcement that the proposed truck access road will now be built sixty metres south of the originally planned route. Additionally, provincial Economic Development ...

  • Levangie, Richard (Halifax, NS : The Daily News, 1991-02-20)
    This article from the Life/Entertainment section of The Daily News reports on the upcoming airing of David Wood's drama 'Part of the Deal' by CBC Radio, in conjunction with February celebrations of Black History Month.

  • Cox, Kevin (Toronto, ON : The Globe and Mail, 1991-04-18)
    This article outlines the early initial positions of the government, port authority, and former Africville residents regarding the proposed access road through the former Africville properties.

  • Krawchuk, Cathy (Halifax, NS : The Chronicle Herald, 1991-04-19)
    This article reports on a public meeting held at the North Branch Library on or before April 19, 1991, attended by over 100 people, to discuss the proposed construction of an access road along the Seaview Park area. Notable ...

  • Lightstone, Michael (Halifax, NS : The Daily News, 1991-04-19)
    This article covers a public meeting about the proposed access road near Seaview Park. The inset map provides a geographic perspective, while the article text articulates public concerns.

  • Regan, Tom (Halifax, NS : The Daily News, 1991-04-22)
    An editorial discussing the proposed Seaview access road, highlighting various perspectives and concerns from the community. The editorial examines the potential impact on the area and the differing opinions on the project's ...

  • Wallace, Ron (Unknown, 1991)
    In this opinion piece, Mayor Ron Wallace addresses what he considers misleading information about the proposed access road from Fairview Cove to Richmond Terminal. He reviews events from the perspective of City Council ...

  • Morrison, Campbell (Halifax, NS : The Daily News, 1991-04-30)
    This brief article reports on the recent initiatives by Federal NDP MP Howard McCurdy, who is concerned about the proposed road through Seaview Park. McCurdy has written three letters to federal ministers, requesting an ...

  • Bateman, Barbra (Halifax, NS : The Daily News, 1991-05-05)
    This brief article airs Deputy Mayor Marie O’Malley’s frustration with Halifax Council’s reticence to hold a public meeting on the proposed route through Seaview Park. It also outlines the reasons for Ms. O’Malley’s ...

  • Saunders, Charles (Halifax, NS : The Daily News, 1991-05-19)
    This perspective piece recounts the events to date regarding the proposed access road in the Seaview Park area and outlines anticipated future challenges and difficulties related to the project.

  • Saunders, Charles (Halifax, NS : The Daily News, 1991-05-20)
    This editorial perspective examines the ongoing dispute regarding the proposed access road near Seaview Park through a historical lens, arguing that the issue extends well beyond just business concerns.

  • Author unknown (Halifax, NS : The Daily News, 1991-05-31)
    This brief public service announcement, dated May 31, 1991, informs that the Black Cultural Centre will host the return of the national exhibition 'Africville: A Spirit Lives On' in the evening at Graham Creighton Junior ...

  • Robinson, Parker (Halifax, NS : The Chronicle Herald, 1991-03-31)
    This article explores the ongoing and developing activities of former Africville residents and their supporters as they plan a protest against the government's proposal to build a truck access road near Seaview Park.

  • Krawchuk, Cathy (Halifax, NS : The Chronicle Herald, 1991-06-04)
    This article anticipates an upcoming announcement from the provincial government about a new study to explore more viable alternatives to the current route of the controversial access road.

  • Author unknown (Halifax, NS : The Daily News, 1991-06-06)
    The editorial comments on the provincial government's funding of an engineering study to find ways to construct the access road from the container piers to the Ceres Terminal without significantly impacting Seaview Park.

  • Lightstone, Michael (Halifax, NS : The Daily News, 1991-06-05)
    This article discusses the provincial government's funding of an engineering study to explore alternative ways to construct the access road from the container piers to the Ceres Terminal. It also highlights the positive ...

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