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University Archives: Recent submissions

  • Unknown author (Saint Mary's University (Halifax, N.S.)., 1976)
    Audience listens to speeches during the Patrick Power Library opening ceremony.

  • Unknown author (Saint Mary's University (Halifax, N.S.)., 1976)
    Dr. Keyes D. Metcalf of Harvard University stands at the podium and gives opening speech during Patrick Power Library opening ceremony. To the far left is Maynard McAskill (Minister of Education), Keith MacRae (Vice President ...

  • Unknown author (Saint Mary's University (Halifax, N.S.)., 1951)
    Father Murray Belair sits with a student in his office.

  • Unknown author (Saint Mary's University (Halifax, N.S.)., 1951)
    L-R: Rev. James Murphy (Chemistry prof 1952-1967), Harold Beazley (Dean of Commerce), Rev. Edward Brown, and Rev. Frances Carroll are seated together.

  • Unknown author (Saint Mary's University (Halifax, N.S.)., 1950)
    Saint Mary's chef stands in the residence kitchen.

  • Unknown author (Saint Mary's University (Halifax, N.S.)., 1970)
    A portrait of Kenneth Bendelier.

  • Unknown author (Saint Mary's University (Halifax, N.S.)., 1976)
    Senator Richard Donahoe (descendant of the Power family and senior trustee of the Power estate) at the podium gives an opening speech during Patrick Power Library opening ceremony. To the far left is Maynard McAskill ...

  • Unknown author (Saint Mary's University (Halifax, N.S.)., 1976)
    Dr. Maynard McAskill (Minister of Education) gives speech during Patrick Power Library opening ceremony. Behind Dr. McAskill is Keith MacRae (Vice President of Dineen Construction), and Father William Stewart (former Head ...

  • Unknown author (Saint Mary's University (Halifax, N.S.)., 1969)
    A younger Dr. Stanley Armstrong portrait. Dr. Stanley Armstrong becomes a professor of Religious Studies, earliest record of him is shown in the 1988 faculty list.

  • Unknown author (Saint Mary's University (Halifax, N.S.)., 1970)
    Photo of Laurie Smith, Arts class of 1943, and Director of Admissions and Scholarships.

  • Unknown author (Saint Mary's University (Halifax, N.S.)., 1969)
    Governor General the Right Honourable Roland Michener stands on the Huskies field with a high ranking military official and volunteers during the Canada Games held at Saint Mary's University.

  • Unknown author (Saint Mary's University (Halifax, N.S.)., 1955)
    L-R: unknown woman, Rev. Patrick Malone (SMU President 1956-1959), man giving speech, Bernard Sheenhan (Class of 1955, faculty member who taught Mechanics in 1959), and Rev. Frederick Lynch (SMU President 1950-1956) at the ...

  • Unknown author (Saint Mary's University (Halifax, N.S.)., 1955)
    Alfonso Abulerach and Bernard Sheehan stand with 2 unidentified women, one playing the piano.

  • Sullivan, Pete (Saint Mary's University (Halifax, N.S.)., 1950)
    Rev. Daniel Fogarty (Professor of English and Journalism) and Rev. Frederick Lynch (SMU President 1950-1956) sit with unknown people during the Engineering Ball.

  • J.C. M. Hayward (Saint Mary's University (Halifax, N.S.)., 1940)
    Canadian Officers Training Corps (C.O.T.C.) inspection ceremony at the Windsor Street campus. Rev. Frederick Lynch (SMU President 1950-1956) stands at the microphone, Most Rev. John McNally (Chancellor of Saint Mary's ...

  • Unknown author (Saint Mary's University (Halifax, N.S.)., 1949-06-24)
    L-R: Very Rev. Francis Carroll, Very Rev. John McNally (Chancellor of Saint Mary's University and Archbishop of Halifax from 1937 to 1952), Very Rev. Alfred Leverman, Rev. Michael Walter Burke-Gaffney (Professor of Mathematics ...

  • Unknown author (Saint Mary's University (Halifax, N.S.)., 1949)
    Very Rev. John McNally breaks ground during the breaking ground ceremony. L-R: Franco Consiglia (Architect of McNally building), Very Rev. Alfred Leverman, Very Rev. Francis Carroll, Very Rev. John McNally (Chancellor of ...

  • Unknown author (Saint Mary's University (Halifax, N.S.)., 1950)
    Rev. Murray Belair (Dean of Discipline from 1948-1967, SMU Vice President and Treasurer) and Rev. Frederick Lynch (SMU President 1950-1956) stand together for a picture. Something must have got Rev. Lynch eye, as he is looking up.

  • Unknown author (Saint Mary's University (Halifax, N.S.)., 1980)
    Elizabeth Chard (History faculty from 1961, then Registrar 1973-2005) and Dr. Jim Morrison (Professor of History and Director of International Education Centre) stand together with 2 unidentified men in the McNally building.

  • Unknown author (Saint Mary's University (Halifax, N.S.)., 1950)
    Jesuits pose together for a group picture in the newly constructed McNally building.

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