Football Players Meet Premier Russel MacLellan and John Hamm, 1999

Show simple item record 2010-11-26T17:04:11Z 2010-11-26T17:04:11Z 1999 1999
dc.identifier.other 10.04.0176
dc.description color photograph
dc.description Very good condition
dc.description Football players in sport uniform are greeted by (former) Liberal leader (and NS Premier from 1997-1999) Russell MacLellan, as well as by (former) Tory leader (and NS Premier from 1999-2005) white-haired John Hamm.
dc.description In the background another gentleman follows suit.
dc.description.provenance Made available in DSpace on 2010-11-26T17:04:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 en
dc.format.extent 10 cm x 15 cm
dc.subject.other Athletes
dc.subject.other MacLellan, Russell Gregoire, 1940-
dc.subject.other Hamm, John Frederick, 1938-
dc.subject.other Chisholm, Robert Lawrence, 1957-
dc.subject.other People
dc.subject.other Huskies
dc.subject.other Football
dc.subject.other Sports
dc.title Football Players Meet Premier Russel MacLellan and John Hamm, 1999
dc.type Image
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