This community includes theses, dissertations, and major research projects written by Saint Mary's University students. It includes links to the full-text version where available. Search for authors, titles, or subjects using the search box above, or browse the collection using the menu on the left.
Use can also the library catalogue to search for other theses and dissertations in our collection, all of which should be available either online or in the library stacks.
If you are a student who is writing your thesis, instructions and required forms can be found here .
Please note that Major Research Projects, undergraduate theses and some masters theses are coursework and not held to the same standards as peer-reviewed research.
Geographical Mapping of Nova Scotia-related Masters Theses
This map contains locations around Nova Scotia that are related to, or were studied for, a Masters thesis at Saint Mary's University from 1956 onwards, with links back to the individual full text theses in this repository.
Copyright Disclaimer: Full-text reproduction of Saint Mary's theses, dissertations, and major research projects are included here using the terms of the Non-Exclusive License to Reproduce Theses. All other rights are maintained by the author.
Abstract: Halo nuclei, such as 11Li, exhibit a unique structure characterized by a few neutrons that extend far from the core, forming a diffuse neutron halo. Understanding the resonance states in 11Li is ...
This study analyzes the temporal and spatial distribution of satellite-observed NO2 and O3 concentrations in Edmonton, Canada, from July 2018 to June 2023. It explores the relationship of ...
The timing of critical mineral deposit formation is challenging to determine, particularly in areas with a complex tectono-thermal history. We apply in situ 87Rb/87Sr geochronology ...
Invasive fish species Chain pickerel (Esox niger) was first reported within Kejimkujik National Park and Historical Site in 2018. I used stable carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) ...
Atlantic Canadaian stickleback fishes (Gasterosteidae) differ in the salinities they inhabit; Threespine (Gasterosteus aculeatus) and fourspine (Apeltes quadracus) sticklebacks inhabit salinities ...