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  • Ruchti, Gregory R.; Fulbright, Jon P.; Wyse, Rosemary F. G.; Gilmore, Gerard F.; Grebel, Eva K.; Bienayme, Olivier; Bland-Hawthorn, Joss; Freeman, Ken C.; Gibson, Brad K.; Munari, Ulisse (IOP Publishing Limited, 2011-12-20)
    We report the discovery of eight lithium-rich field giants found in a high-resolution spectroscopic sample of over 700 metal-poor stars ([Fe/H] < −0.5) selected from the Radial Velocity Experiment survey. The ...

  • Deupree, Robert G. (Robert Gaston), 1946- (IOP Publishing Limited, 2011-07-10)
    Zero-age main-sequence models of uniformly rotating stars have been computed for 10 masses between 1.625 and 8 M and for 21 rotation rates from zero to nearly critical rotation. The surface shape is used to ...

  • Deupree, Robert G. (Robert Gaston), 1946- (IOP Publishing Limited, 2011-11-20)
    A rotating, two-dimensional stellar model is evolved to match the approximate conditions of α Oph. Both axisymmetric and nonaxisymmetric oscillation frequencies are computed for two-dimensional rotating models which ...

  • Chadima, P.; Harmanec, P.; Bennett, Philip Desmond, 1952-; Kloppenborg, B.; Stencel, R.; Yang, S.; Bozic, H.; Slechta, M.; Kotkova, L.; Wolf, M. (EDP Sciences, 2011-06)
    A series of 353 red electronic spectra (from three observatories, mostly from 6300 to 6700 A) obtained between 1994 and 2010, and of 171 UBV photometric observations (from two observatories) of the 2010 eclipse, were ...

  • MacDonald, Asha M.; Lundholm, Jeremy T. (Jeremy Todd), 1970-; Clayden, Stephen R. (Humboldt Field Research Institute, 2011)
    Saxicolous lichens of a coastal barren were surveyed in Nova Scotia, Canada. Forty-three species were found, including Rhizocarpon suomiense, new to North America, and five other species new to the province. The response ...

  • Zwintz, K.; Lenz, P.; Breger, M.; Pamyatnykh, A. A.; Zdravkov, T.; Kuschnig, R.; Matthews, J. M.; Guenther, David B.; Moffat, A. F. J.; Rowe, J. F. (EDP Sciences S.A., 2011-09)

    Context. We present high-precision time-series photometry of the classical δ Scuti star HD 144277 obtained with the MOST (Microvariability and Oscillations of STars) satellite in two consecutive years. The observed ...

  • Uytterhoeven, K.; Moya, A.; Grigahcene, A.; Guzik, J. A.; Gutierrez-Soto, J.; Smalley, B.; Handler, G.; Balona, L. A.; Niemczura, E.; Fox Machado, L.; Gruberbauer, Michael (EDP Sciences, 2011-10)
    Context. The Kepler spacecraft is providing time series of photometric data with micromagnitude precision for hundreds of A-F type stars. Aims. We present a first general characterization of the pulsational behaviour of ...

  • Czenze, Zenon J.; Broders, Hugh G. (Hugh Gerard), 1972- (Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2011)
    Prevalence of bat ectoparasites on sympatric Myotis lucifugus and M. septentrionalis was quantitatively characterized in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick by making systematic collections at swarming sites. Six species of ...

  • You, Ping; MacMillan, John; Cone, David Knight (Inter-Research, 2011-09-09)
    Prevalence and intensity of Gyrodactylus colemanensis and G. salmonis (Monogenea) parasitizing juvenile/adult brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis, rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss, brown trout Salmo trutta, and Atlantic ...

  • Boere, Rene T.; Masuda, Jason Douglas, 1977- (Wiley-Blackwell, 2011-07)
    In the title compound, [Mo(C37H53N3)(CO)3], the Mo atom to ring-centroid distance in the η6-coordinated tricarbonylmolybdenum group is 1.958 (1) Å. The three C≡O ...

  • Blair, Amber D.; Hendsbee, Arthur D.; Masuda, Jason Douglas, 1977- (Wiley-Blackwell, 2011-10)
    The title compound, C17H26O, is a di-ortho-alkyl substituted phenyl ethanone that exhibits a significant twisting of the ketone fragment relative to the aromatic ring [O—C—C—C torsion ...

  • Garrett, P. E.; Green, K. L.; Austin, Roby Anne Elizabeth, 1974-; Ball, G. C.; Bandyopadhyay, D. S.; Colosimo, S.; Cross, D. S.; Demand, G. A.; Grinyer, G. F.; Hackman, G. (Polish Academy of Sciences Institute of Physics, 2011-03)
    The β decay of 112Ag has been used to populate spin 0+ and 2+ states in 112Cd to 3 MeV excitation energy. The statistical quality obtained allows the extraction of very weak ...

  • Sun, Dongfa; Sun, Genlou (Public Library of Science, 2012-12-10)
    Numerous hybrid and polypoid species are found within the Triticeae. It has been suggested that the H subgenome of allopolyploid Elymus (wheatgrass) species originated from diploid Hordeum (barley) species, but the role ...

  • Kurcewicz, J.; Farinon, F.; Geissel, H.; Pietri, S.; Nociforo, C.; Prochazka, A.; Weick, H.; Winfield, J. S.; Estrade, Alfredo; Allegro, P. R. P. (Elsevier Science B.V., 2012-10-31)
    Using the high-resolution performance of the fragment separator FRS at GSI we have discovered 60 new neutron-rich isotopes in the atomic number range of 60 ⩽ Z ⩽ 78. The new isotopes were unambiguously identified in reactions ...

  • Ripepi, V.; Moretti, M. I.; Marconi, M.; Clementini, G.; Cioni, M.-R. L.; Marquette, J. B.; Girardi, L.; Rubele, S.; Groenewegen, M. A. T.; de Grijs, R.; Gibson, Brad K. (Oxford University Press, 2012-08)
    The VISTA Magellanic Cloud (VMC; PI: M.-R. L. Cioni) survey is collecting deep Ks-band time series photometry of the pulsating variable stars hosted by the system formed by the two Magellanic Clouds (MCs) and ...

  • Siebert, A.; Famaey, B.; Binney, J.; Burnett, B.; Faure, C.; Minchev, I.; Williams, M. E. K.; Bienayme, O.; Bland-Hawthorn, J.; Boeche, C.; Gibson, Brad K. (Oxford University Press, 2012-09)
    Using the Radial Velocity Experiment (RAVE) survey, we recently brought to light a gradient in the mean galactocentric radial velocity of stars in the extended solar neighbourhood. This gradient likely originates from ...

  • Sanchez-Blazquez, P.; Marcolini, A.; Gibson, Brad K.; Karakas, A. I.; Pilkington, K.; Calura, F. (Oxford University Press, 2012-01)
    In the first paper of this series, we proposed a new framework in which to model the chemical evolution of globular clusters. This model is predicated upon the assumption that clusters form within an interstellar medium ...

  • Saio, H.; Gruberbauer, Michael; Weiss, W. W.; Matthews, J. M.; Ryabchikova, T. (Oxford University Press, 2012-02)
    Precise time series photometry with the MOST satellite has led to identification of 10 pulsation frequencies in the rapidly oscillating Ap (roAp) star HD134214. We have fitted the observed frequencies with theoretical ...

  • Snaith, O. N.; Gibson, Brad K.; Brook, C. B.; Knebe, A.; Thacker, Robert John, 1970-; Quinn, T. R.; Governato, F.; Tissera, P. B. (Oxford University Press, 2012-09)
    We examine the properties and evolution of a simulated polar disc galaxy. This galaxy is composed of two orthogonal discs, one of which contains old stars (old stellar disc) and the other both younger stars and cold gas ...

  • Pilkington, K.; Gibson, Brad K.; Brook, C. B.; Calura, F.; Stinson, G. S.; Thacker, Robert John, 1970-; Michel-Dansac, L.; Bailin, J.; Couchman, H. M. P.; Wadsley, J. (Oxford University Press, 2012-09)
    We examine the chemical properties of five cosmological hydrodynamical simulations of an M33-like disc galaxy which have been shown previously to be consistent with the morphological characteristics and bulk scaling relations ...

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