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  • Williamson, David John; Thacker, Robert John, 1970- (Oxford Academic, 2012-04)
    Analytic estimates of the viscous time-scale due to cloud–cloud collisions have been as high as thousands of Gyr. Consequently, cloud collisions are widely ignored as a source of viscosity in galactic discs. However, ...

  • Turner, David Gerald, 1945-; Majaess, Daniel J.; Lane, D. J.; Balam, D. D.; Gieren, W. P.; Storm, J.; Forbes, D. W.; Havlen, R. J.; Alessi, B. (Oxford Academic, 2012-05)
    The parameters for the newly discovered open cluster Alessi 95 are established on the basis of available photometric and spectroscopic data, in conjunction with new observations. Colour excesses for spectroscopically ...

  • Stinson, G. S.; Brook, C.; Prochaska, J. Xavier; Hennawi, Joe; Shen, Sijing; Wadsley, J.; Pontzen, Andrew; Couchman, H. M. P.; Quinn, T.; Maccio, Andrea V.; Gibson, Brad K. (Wiley-Blackwell, 2012-09)
    We explore the circumgalactic medium (CGM) of two simulated star-forming galaxies with luminosities L ≈ 0.1 and 1 L generated using the smooth particle hydrodynamic code GASOLINE. These simulations are ...

  • Majaess, Daniel J.; Turner, David Gerald, 1945-; Gieren, W. (Oxford Academic, 2012-04)
    Preliminary constraints are placed on a cluster of young stellar objects (J2000 02:54:31.4 +69:20:32.5) discovered in the field of the classical Cepheid SU Cas. The Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) 3.4-, 4.6-, ...

  • Hill, Kenneth Anthony (Society for Judgment and Decision Making, 2012-07)
    A type of emergency decision-making which has not received research attention is the police search for a lost person in a rural or wilderness area. For many such incidents, decisions concerning where to search for the lost ...

  • Pisano, D. J.; Barnes, David G.; Staveley-Smith, Lister; Gibson, Brad K.; Kilborn, Virginia A.; Freeman, Ken C. (IOP Publishing Limited, 2011-12)
    We have conducted an H I 21 cm emission-line survey of six loose groups of galaxies chosen to be analogs to the Local Group. The survey was conducted using the Parkes multibeam instrument and the Australia Telescope Compact ...

  • White, Timothy R.; Bedding, Timothy R.; Gruberbauer, Michael; Benomar, Othman; Stello, Dennis; Appourchaux, Thierry; Chaplin, William J.; Christensen-Dalsgaard, Jorgen; Elsworth, Yvonne P.; Garcia, Rafael A. (IOP Publishing Limited, 2012-06-01)
    Asteroseismology of F-type stars has been hindered by an ambiguity in identification of their oscillation modes. The regular mode pattern that makes this task trivial in cooler stars is masked by increased line widths. The ...

  • Majaess, Daniel J.; Turner, David Gerald, 1945-; Gieren, W. (IOP Publishing Limited, 2012-03-10)
    New and existing UBVJHKs, spectroscopic, NOMAD, Hubble Space Telescope, and revised Hipparcos observations are employed to determine properties for δ Cep and its host star cluster. The multi-faceted approach ...

  • Short, C. Ian (Christopher Ian), 1965-; Campbell, Eamonn A.; Pickup, Heather; Hauschildt, Peter H. (IOP Publishing Limited, 2012-03-10)
    We present a grid of atmospheric models and synthetic spectral energy distributions (SEDs) for late-type dwarfs and giants of solar and 1/3 solar metallicity with many opacity sources computed in self-consistent non-local ...

  • Dragomir, Diana; Matthews, Jaymie M.; Kuschnig, Rainer; Rowe, Jason F.; Gladman, Brett J.; Guenther, David B.; Moffat, Anthony F. J.; Rucinski, Slavek M.; Sasselov, Dimitar; Weiss, Werner W. (IOP Publishing Limited, 2012-11-01)
    The GJ 581 system has been amply studied since its discovery in 2005: the number of known planets in the system has increased and their orbital parameters are among the most precisely determined for radial-velocity-detected ...

  • Majaess, Daniel J.; Turner, David Gerald, 1945-; Gieren, W.; Balam, D.; Lane, D. J. (IOP Publishing Limited, 2012-03-20)
    New and existing CORAVEL, UBVJHKs, HST, HIP/Tycho, ARO, KPNO, and DAO observations imply that the fundamental Cepheid calibrator ζ Gem is a cluster member. The following parameters were inferred for ζ ...

  • Majaess, Daniel J.; Turner, David Gerald, 1945-; Bidin, C. Moni; Geisler, D.; Borissova, J.; Minniti, D.; Bonatto, C.; Gieren, W.; Carraro, G.; Kurtev, R. (EDP Sciences, 2012-01)
    Approximately 14% of known Galactic open clusters possess absolute errors ≤20% as evaluated from n ≥ 3 independent distance estimates, and the statistics for age estimates are markedly worse. That impedes such diverse ...

  • Turner, David Gerald, 1945-; van den Bergh, S.; Younger, P. F.; Majaess, Daniel J.; Pedreros, M. H.; Berdnikov, L. N. (IOP Publishing Limited, 2012-12)
    A photometric UBV survey is presented for 610 stars in a region surrounding the Cepheid AQ Puppis and centered southwest of the variable, based upon photoelectric measures for 14 stars and calibrated iris photometry of ...

  • Annan, Henry George; Golding, Amber-Leigh; Zhao, Yinping; Dong, Zhongmin (Wiley-Blackwell, 2012-09)
    The H2 is an obligate by-product of N-fixation. Recycling of H2 through uptake hydrogenase (Hup) inside the root nodules of leguminous plants is often considered an advantage for plants. However, many ...

  • Pilkington, K.; Few, C. G.; Gibson, Brad K.; Calura, F.; Michel-Dansac, L.; Thacker, Robert John, 1970-; Molla, M.; Matteucci, F.; Rahimi, A.; Kawata, D. (EDP Sciences, 2012-04)
    Aims. We examine radial and vertical metallicity gradients using a suite of disk galaxy hydrodynamical simulations, supplemented with two classic chemical evolution approaches. We determine the rate of change of gradient ...

  • Wang, Xiaobo; Zhang, Haowei; Gao, Yali; Sun, Genlou; Zhang, Wenming; Qiu, Lijuan (Public Library of Science, 2014-10-31)
    Cupin superfamily of proteins, including germin and germin-like proteins (GLPs) from higher plants, is known to play crucial roles in plant development and defense. To date, no systematic analysis has been conducted in ...

  • Lundholm, Jeremy T. (Jeremy Todd), 1970-; Heim, Amy; Tran, Stephanie; Smith, Tyler (Public Library of Science, 2014-06-30)
    Green roof ecosystems are constructed to provide services such as stormwater retention and urban temperature reductions. Green roofs with shallow growing media represent stressful conditions for plant survival, thus plants ...

  • Williamson, David John; Thacker, Robert John, 1970-; Wurster, James Howard; Gibson, Brad K. (Oxford University Press, 2014-08-21)
    We examine simulations of isolated galaxies to analyse the effects of localized feedback on the formation and evolution of molecular clouds. Feedback contributes to turbulence and the destruction of clouds, leading to a ...

  • Williamson, David John; Thacker, Robert John, 1970-; Scannapieco, E.; Bruggen, M. (Oxford University Press, 2014-06)
    Observations (e.g. Phillips, Heckman et al., Martin) have revealed cold gas with large velocity dispersions (≈300 km s−1) within the hot outflows of ultraluminous infrared galaxies (ULIRGs). This gas ...

  • Wilkins, D. R.; Kara, E.; Fabian, A. C.; Gallo, Luigi C. (Oxford University Press, 2014-09-21)
    The X-ray spectra of the narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy, 1H 0707–495, obtained with XMM–Newton, from time periods of varying X-ray luminosity are analysed in the context of understanding the changes to the X-ray ...

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