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Articles: Recent submissions

  • Walker, A. P.; Gibson, Brad K.; Pilkington, K.; Brook, C. B.; Dutta, P.; Stanimirovic, S.; Stinson, G. S.; Bailin, J. (Oxford University Press, 2014-06)
    We present an analysis of the role of feedback in shaping the neutral hydrogen (H I) content of simulated disc galaxies. For our analysis, we have used two realizations of two separate Milky Way-like (∼L★) discs – ...

  • Siwak, Michal; Rucinski, Slavek M.; Matthews, Jaymie M.; Guenther, David B.; Kuschnig, Rainer; Moffat, Anthony F. J.; Rowe, Jason F.; Sasselov, Dimitar; Weiss, Werner W. (Oxford University Press, 2014-10-11)
    We present an analysis of the 2011 photometric observations of TW Hya by the MOST satellite; this is the fourth continuous series of this type. The large-scale light variations are dominated by a strong, quasi-periodic ...

  • Recchi, S.; Calura, F.; Gibson, Brad K.; Kroupa, P. (Oxford University Press, 2014-01)
    The aim of this paper is to quantify the amplitude of the predicted plateau in [α/Fe] ratios associated with the most metal-poor stars of a galaxy. We assume that the initial mass function (IMF) in galaxies is steeper ...

  • Ramiaramanantsoa, Tahina; Moffat, Anthony F. J.; Chene, Andre-Nicolas; Richardson, Noel D.; Henrichs, Huib F.; Desforges, Sebastien; Antoci, Victoria; Rowe, Jason F.; Matthews, Jaymie M.; Kuschnig, Rainer; Guenther, David B. (Oxford University Press, 2014-06)
    We have used the MOST (Microvariability and Oscillations of STars) microsatellite to obtain four weeks of contiguous high-precision broad-band visual photometry of the O7.5III(n)((f)) star ξ Persei in 2011 November . ...

  • Parker, M. L.; Wilkins, D. R.; Fabian, A. C.; Grupe, D.; Dauser, T.; Matt, G.; Harrison, F. A.; Brenneman, L.; Boggs, S. E.; Christensen, F. E.; Gallo, Luigi C. (Oxford University Press, 2014-09-11)
    We present 3–50 keV NuSTAR observations of the active galactic nuclei Mrk 335 in a very low flux state. The spectrum is dominated by very strong features at the energies of the iron line at 5–7 keV and Compton ...

  • Obreja, A.; Brook, C. B.; Stinson, G.; Dominguez-Tenreiro, R.; Gibson, Brad K.; Silva, L.; Granato, G. L. (Oxford University Press, 2014-08-01)
    Using cosmological galaxy simulations from the MaGICC project, we study the evolution of the stellar masses, star formation rates and gas-phase abundances of star-forming galaxies. We derive the stellar masses and star ...

  • Brook, C. B.; Stinson, G.; Gibson, Brad K.; Shen, S.; Maccio, A. V.; Obreja, A.; Wadsley, J.; Quinn, T. (Oxford University Press, 2014-10-01)
    Using cosmological galaxy formation simulations from the MaGICC (Making Galaxies in a Cosmological Context) project, spanning stellar mass from ∼107 to 3 × 1010 M, we trace the ...

  • Few, C. G.; Courty, S.; Gibson, Brad K.; Michel-Dansac, L.; Calura, F. (Oxford University Press, 2014-11-11)
    We trace the formation and advection of several elements within a cosmological adaptive mesh refinement simulation of an L galaxy. We use nine realizations of the same initial conditions with different stellar ...

  • Cunnama, D.; Andrianomena, S.; Cress, C. M.; Faltenbacher, A.; Gibson, Brad K.; Theuns, T. (Oxford University Press, 2014-01-10)
    We use the Galaxies-Intergalactic Medium Interaction Calculation (GIMIC) cosmological hydrodynamic simulation at z = 0 to study the distribution and environmental dependence of neutral hydrogen (H I) gas in the outskirts ...

  • Cackett, E. M.; Zoghbi, A.; Reynolds, C.; Fabian, A. C.; Kara, E.; Uttley, P.; Wilkins, D. R. (Oxford University Press, 2014-01-13)
    The recent detection of X-ray reverberation lags, especially in the Fe Kα line region, around active galactic nuclei (AGN) has opened up the possibility of studying the time-resolved response (reflection) of hard ...

  • Hagen Bauer, Wendy; Bennett, Philip Desmond, 1952- (IOP Publishing, 2014-04)
    The ζ Aurigae system 31 Cygni (K4 Ib + B4 V) was observed by the FUSE satellite during total eclipse and at three phases during chromospheric eclipse. We present the coadded, calibrated spectra and atlases with line ...

  • Young, Mitchell E.; Short, C. Ian (Christopher Ian), 1965- (IOP Publishing, 2014-05-20)
    Spectra for two-dimensional (2D) stars in the 1.5D approximation are created from synthetic spectra of one-dimensional (1D) non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (NLTE) spherical model atmospheres produced by the PHOENIX ...

  • Metcalfe, T. S.; Creevey, O. L.; Drogan, G.; Mathur, S.; Xu, H.; Bedding, T. R.; Chaplin, W. J.; Christensen-Dalsgaard, J.; Karoff, C.; Trampedach, R.; Gruberbauer, Michael; Guenther, David B. (The American Astronomical Society, 2014-10)
    Recently the number of main-sequence and subgiant stars exhibiting solar-like oscillations that are resolved into individual mode frequencies has increased dramatically. While only a few such data sets were available for ...

  • Vasudevan, Ranjan V.; Mushotzky, Richard F.; Reynolds, Christopher S.; Fabian, Andrew C.; Lohfink, Anne M.; Zoghbi, Abderahmen; Gallo, Luigi C.; Walton, Dominic (IOP Publishing Limited, 2014-04-10)
    The X-ray spectra of many active galactic nuclei exhibit a “soft excess” below 1 keV, whose physical origin remains unclear. Diverse models have been suggested to account for it, including ionized reflection ...

  • Takahashi, Tadayuki; Mitsuda, Kazuhisa; Kelley, Richard; Aharonian, Felix; Akamatsu, Hiroki; Akimoto, Fumie; Allen, Steve; Anabuki, Naohisa; Angelini, Lorella; Arnaud, Keith; Gallo, Luigi C.; Wilkins, D. R. (Society of Photo Optical Instrumental Engineers, 2014-12-03)
    The joint JAXA/NASA ASTRO-H mission is the sixth in a series of highly successful X-ray missions developed by the Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS), with a planned launch in 2015. The ASTRO-H mission is ...

  • Si, Hongqi; Zhao, Manli; Zhang, Xin; Yao, Guoliang; Sun, Genlou; Ma, Chuanxi (Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2014-04-10)
    Low-molecular-weight glutenin subunits (LMW-GS) are of great importance in processing quality and participate in the formation of polymers in wheat. In this study, eight new LMW-GS alleles were isolated from Chinese wheat ...

  • Terashima, S.; Tanihata, I.; Kanungo, Rituparna; Estrade, Alfredo; Horiuchi, W.; Ameil, F.; Atkinson, J.; Ayyad, Y.; Cortina-Gil, D.; Dillmann, I. (Oxford University Press, 2014-10-06)
    The charge-changing cross sections of 7,9−12,14Be have been measured at 900A MeV on a carbon target. These cross sections are discussed both in terms of a geometrical and a Glauber model. From several ...

  • Ye, Fei; King, Stanley D.; Cone, David Knight; You, Ping (Biomed Central Limited, 2014-08-17)
    Background: Paragyrodactylus Gvosdev and Martechov, 1953, a viviparous genus of ectoparasite within the Gyrodactylidae, contains three nominal species all of which infect Asian river loaches. The group is suspected to be ...

  • Dittrich, Birger; Matta, Cherif F. (International Union of Crystallography, 2014-11)
    This article reviews efforts in accurate experimental charge-density studies with relevance to medicinal chemistry. Initially, classical charge-density studies that measure electron density distribution via least-squares ...

  • Fernandez-Garcia, J. P.; Cubero, M.; Rodriguez-Gallardo, M.; Acosta, L.; Alcorta, M.; Alvarez, M. A. G.; Borge, M. J. G.; Buchmann, L.; Diget, C. A.; Falou, H. A.; Kanungo, Rituparna (IOP Publishing Limited, 2014)
    We present a study of 11Li+208Pb collisions at energies around the Coulomb barrier (Elab = 24.3 and 29.8 MeV), measured at the post-accelerated beam facility, ISAC II, at TRIUMF ...

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