Asynchronous video interviews (AVI) have the potential to change the way that HR professionals perform interviewing though limited research has been done regarding AVI use by HR professionals. This research examines the relationships between current interviewing practices, technology anxiety, perceptions of AVI features, and intentions to use such features. Participants (N = 160) completed an online survey measuring
perceptions about AVI (perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, behavioural intent) as well as levels of current interview structure and technology anxiety. Correlational analyses were used. It was found that both perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use were strongly and positively related with behavioural intent, current interview structure was positively related with perceived usefulness for AVI users, and technology anxiety was negatively related with perceived ease of use. Implications are that AVI usefulness and usability should both be considered seriously when assessing behavioural intent of potential new users.