The purpose of this study is to examine all the components necessary for the development of educational programs for blind multihandicapped students. Background information on the evolution of service to the blind multihandicapped in Atlantic Canada is provided and the salient characteristics of the blind multihandicapped population are identified, including the etiology of multihandicapping conditions as well as the psychological and environmental variables that contribute to the intensity of the condition. The investigators utilize the case study format.
Documentation on the subject’s medical and educational history is provided. The procedure for assessing the subject is described in detail and an Individual Educational Program is designated on the basis of the data accumulated from three tests administered to the subject. The same three tests are administered following a three month period of programming to illustrate whether or not the Individual Educational Plan extended to the subject has been successful in terms of expediting developmental gains in various skills areas.
The investigators extrapolate from the case study and explain how this sample relates to overall programming criteria for blind multihandicapped children and youth. The investigators offer a comprehensive Model of Intervention in the delivery of service to blind multihandicapped children. This model outlines strategies to be employed during early intervention and stipulated placement options throughout the education of blind multihandicapped students. Teaching strategies and other important factors in the educational placement are discussed. The investigators conclude that developmental intervention does indeed work within the educational paradigm for blind multihandicapped children and youth and that the format for educational program planning and design illustrated in this study is widely applicable to all blind multihandicapped students.