This study examines the use which the paraplegic made of a rehabilitation center. It examines the quality of the paraplegic’s rehabilitation program as a factor in his adjustment to his disability. This is an individual thesis written as part of a joint study done by five members of the 1969 class of the Maritime School of Social Work.
The data were obtained by questionnaires administered to twenty-three paraplegics registered at the Canadian Paraplegic Association, Atlantic Division, Halifax, Nova Scotia. Material relevant to the study was then extracted and summarized by 2x2 tables.
Contrary to expectation, attendance at a rehabilitation center did not appear to be a factor in the adjustment of the paraplegic. However, there appeared to be a relationship between the quality of the general rehabilitation program and adjustment. A good rehabilitation program consisted of good physiotherapy and counseling programs, as well as an overall favorable attitude toward the rehabilitation program. Each of these individual aspects of a good rehabilitation program correlated positively with adjustment. It was concluded that the quality of the program received was a factor in the adjustment of the paraplegic and some recommendations were offered in this regard.