This thesis examines Mi’kmaw-British relations in regards to agricultural policies in colonial Nova Scotia in the nineteenth century. Beginning in the early eighteenth century, British colonizers in Nova Scotia, a portion of the territory known by its indigenous inhabitants as Mi’kma’ki, sought to reform Mi’kmaw people’s concepts and utilization of land through agricultural policies. They hoped that in doing so, the Mi’kmaq would become stationary instead of transient, and ultimately be “civilized.” Although the Mi’kmaq never became the agriculturalists the British envisioned, they did participate in
sporadic farming activities and made active use of the British legal system to petition the government for various aids and rights. This thesis argues that although the agricultural policies the British hoped would “civilize” the Mi’kmaq fell short of their intended outcome, Mi’kmaw communities negotiated their pressures and possibilities, managing to use agricultural opportunities to alleviate difficult social and economic circumstances.