In 2015 Canada introduced a new law criminalizing the non-consensual distribution of intimate images (s.162.1, Canadian Criminal Code), however, to date the empirical literature surrounding non-consensual distribution of intimate images has been scare. Therefore, two studies examined four inappropriate intimate image-based behaviours (IIIBB; coerced sexting, entertainment-driven distribution of intimate images, revenge pornography and sextortion) in young adults. In total 630 participants aged 18-25 were recruited to participate in an online survey. Originally designed as a two-wave longitudinal study, these studies were reduced to one-wave due to high attrition and low base-rates for IIIBB. Study one examined correlates associated with the perpetration of IIIBB. Logistic regressions demonstrated that are different correlates for the
different IIIBB behaviours. Study two demonstrated that all forms of IIIBB victimization are associated with psychological distress and PTSD symptoms, however, the impact on social life did not mediate the relationship.